Dad gets put on diaper duty, has no idea what he’s in for — Even better, the baby’s reaction to his misery

Taking care of a baby is one of the greatest joys and accomplishments in the life of any adult. But just as any sleep-deprived parent will tell you, taking care of an infant is in no way easy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite of that.

For starters, it’s a known fact that babies have the tendency to only sleep when you’re awake, and wake up the very first second after you’ve put your head on the pillow trying to get some rest. Then, there’s that constant worrying that there might be something wrong with the way your baby breathes, cough, you know, the typical paranoia that affects most parents out there.

And then, of course, there’s the dirty work that comes along with changing diapers. Sure, as a parent, you come to accept diaper duty, but as the video below clearly shows, it might take some time getting used to, especially as far as dads are concerned.

The dad in the video below was put in charge of handling the dirty work of changing diapers, and he is coping with the situation as best as he can. The funny thing is that the baby actually seems to dwell on his dad’s misery. Take a look:

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