Adorable little girl discovers the joy of farting

A toddler’s life is full of new and exciting discoveries. Every day, they learn something new about themselves and about the world around them – and sometimes it leads to hilarious events. The adorable girl in the video below discovered something new about how her body works and what it can do, and it will leave you laughing out loud.
The little girl was quietly playing with her twin sister. Mom was filming this beautiful moment when at one point, one of the little girl leaves the room. Her sister gets up to follow her, but then something else happens. The little girl lets out a small fart, and immediately starts laughing. To make matters even more adorable, she then says “stinky” and leaves the room.
Still, she knows that the polite thing to say is “Excuse me”. It’s not something any of us would ever admit, but farting is one of life’s small pleasures, and it’s always funny.
If I were to use the word fart and the word cute in the same sentence together, this is where I would do it. So if you need something to put a smile on your face, go ahead and take a look at the video below.

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