They Had The Wedding They Always Dreamed Of. A Few Moments After, Something Terrible Happened!

Don Wolder, aged 26 and Kari Nolte, a single mother, metinMarch 2011and since thenthey both knewthat they would betogetherforever.Despite having different personalities, the two werea perfect match. The couple soon made wedding plans, scheduling it for October 2012. However, tragedy will soon touch their lives.
Doctors told Gordon that he suffers from an extremely rare form of cancer. Gordon has beaten this disease as a teenager, but, sadly, it has returned after 12 years. Gordon’s condition began to slowly deteriorate. The couple felt that they have little time together, so they decided to wed. They were married on Gordon’s hospital bed.
During the small ceremony, Kari and Gordon sat together and the man’s last words were: “Yes, I do”. A few minutes after the promise, he took his last breath.

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