Fireman delivers a pregnant woman’s baby. Then he adopts the newborn

As a fireman, Marc Hadden has come to expect the unexpected and be ready for pretty much anything you and me can think of. But nobody could prepare him for what happened to him during what he thought it was going to be just another emergency call.
Him and one of his colleagues arrived at the scene and saw a woman who went into labor. Knowing there was no time to get the woman to the hospital, Hadden stepped in and helped the woman deliver the baby himself. The baby, a beautiful baby girl, was born perfectly healthy and was named Grace
The man immediately called his wife Beth to tell her about the incredible day he’s had at work. You see, the two have been trying to have a baby, but they couldn’t because of medical reasons. In fact, they were actually considering adoption. And this is when the story really becomes unbelievable.
The fireman found out that the woman whom he helped deliver Grace had put her up for adoption soon after she gave birth. Marc immediately knew the little girl belonged in their family and that this was God’s way of telling him what to do.

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