Bizarre She Lit Up A Candle And The Whole House Exploded! This Is How She Looks Two Months… boom Jan 27, 2015 Kilee Brookbank, a 16-year-old teenager, lit up a scented candle to get rid of a bad smell in her home. Due…
Bizarre Their Child Was Born Without Eyes! Doctor’s Explanation Is Mind-Blowing boom Jan 27, 2015 Richie Lopez was diagnosed with Anophthalmia which can be described as a congenital absence of one or both…
Amazing He Spent Over $50, 000 On His 15 Cats And The Result Is Amazing! boom Jan 27, 2015 In the past 20 years, Peter Cohen, a home builder living in California, has spent tens of thousands of dollars to…
Bizarre They Were 16 Years Old When They Decided To Stop Eating! This Is How They Look 20… boom Jan 27, 2015 Two twin sisters in Britain have been fighting with anorexia for the past 20 years. Maria and Katy Campbell…
Bizarre I Bet Her Job Is Worse Than Yours! This Is What She Does All Day boom Jan 27, 2015 Believe it or not this woman is paid to smell other people’s armpits in order to test the quality of different…
Joy of life She Made The Ultimate Sacrifice For Her Newborn Daughter! Why She Refused A… boom Jan 22, 2015 Ashley Bridges had a beautiful marriage and a baby on the way. But ten weeks into the pregnancy, the young…
Bizarre You Won’t Believe What These Men Pulled Out From The Water! “It Had Over 300… boom Jan 21, 2015 A group of men who were fishing in the waters of a lake in Australia made a catch like you’ve never seen before!…
Joy of life This British Beggar Is Richer Then You! He Makes Enough Money To Afford Taking… boom Jan 19, 2015 A British beggar became known worldwide thanks to his ingenious begging technique. After realizing that people…
Amazing He Was Filming His Pregnant Wife’s Belly, But Froze When He Saw This! “Her Skin… boom Jan 18, 2015 His wife was 8 month pregnant when this man decided to take a video of her belly. As soon as he started recording…
Amazing Unbelievable! This Baby Was Left On The Street To Die, But A Stray Cat Saved His… boom Jan 17, 2015 Masha, a stray cat, saved the life of a baby abandoned on a street in Russia. The cat entered the box where the…