80 seniors got together to record a music video, and it’s absolutely hilarious!

Age is nothing but a number. You’ve probably heard people say it countless times, but what does it really mean? Well, I guess it means that how old we are has less to do with how we measure time and more to do with our attitude and how we choose to see life.
Most people I know are afraid of getting older, but that’s just like being afraid to go to sleep because you risk of having a bad dream. You have to go to sleep at some point. We all get old. That’s a given. The only thing we have any control upon is how we choose to act about it.
The men and women in the video below definitely have the right attitude. They know how to make the most out of the things and moments they get to experience being their age.
This group of seniors knows how to still have fun despite being well-advanced in life. I sure hope I’ll be as much fun to be around as these seniors probably are.
Watch them recreate one of Taylor Swift’s most famous music videos and be ready to be amused! No one can tell these seniors to act their age; that’s for sure.

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